
Available are blower packages for in-situ air sparging and bio-venting applications. These blower packages are base-mounted units that incorporate rotary positive displacement, rotary vane, or regenerative type blowers, depending on the application flow and pressure
The Vacuum Enhanced Extraction System is used when low transmissivity conditions are encountered in a contaminated subsurface formation (soil transmissivity of 500 gpd/ft).
With this condition, recovery with submersible pumps would be incapable of producing an adequate contaminant capture zone and fluid yield will be very low. The radius of this capture zone may be increased through the application of a high negative pressure differential to the recovery wells. This high extraction vacuum can be applied to the recovery well field through the use of a liquid ring vacuum pump.
At well depths of less than 28 feet, the vacuum enhanced extraction system can pump total fluids from the wells and remove the vapor/gas phase from the subsurface formation. When the fluid depth is greater than 28 feet, the recovery wells require the use of submersible pumps to pump the fluids. These fluids are usually transported to the processing system through a piping system separate from the vapor/gas conduit.

The vacuum enhance extraction system consists of four main mechanical units:

  • The Liquid Knockout Tank
  • Liquid Ring Pump with the oil-cooled sealing fluid system
  • Oil Recovery Knockout and Sump Tank
  • Progressive Cavity Fluid Transfer Pump and its associated fluid level float switch assembly.

Oil-sealed liquid ring pumps are used in our vacuum enhanced extraction systems.

Oil-sealed vacuum pumps have exceptional operation and maintenance advantages over water-sealed vacuum pumps. The greatest advantage is that the oil-sealed vacuum pump does not require a water supply for sealing and cooling. Not only is it hard to balance the correct flow of the make-water for a water-sealed vacuum pump, it also becomes saturated with recovered contaminate during the process and requires treatment. This can add up to millions of gallons of excess water to be treated. Unlike water-sealed vacuum pumps, oil-sealed vacuum pumps are very low maintenance units and do not create contaminated water as part of their process.
  • A diagram of how an Air Sparge works
    Available are blower packages for in-situ air sparging and bio-venting applications. These blower packages are base-mounted units that incorporate rotary positive displacement, rotary vane, or regenerative type blowers, depending on the application flow and pressure The Vacuum Enhanced Extraction System...